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#include <exec/types.h> #include <exec/memory.h> #include <exec/libraries.h> #include <dos/dos.h> #include <dos/rdargs.h> #include <datatypes/datatypes.h> #include <datatypes/datatypesclass.h> #include <datatypes/pictureclass.h> #include <datatypes/pictureclassext.h> #include <intuition/intuition.h> #include <intuition/icclass.h> #include <graphics/gfx.h> #include <graphics/displayinfo.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <clib/macros.h> #include <devices/timer.h> #include <proto/timer.h> #include <proto/exec.h> #include <clib/alib_protos.h> #include <clib/datatypes_protos.h> #include <clib/dos_protos.h> #include <clib/exec_protos.h> #include <clib/graphics_protos.h> #include <clib/intuition_protos.h> #include <clib/utility_protos.h> #include <pragmas/datatypes_pragmas.h> #include <pragmas/dos_pragmas.h> #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h> #include <pragmas/graphics_pragmas.h> #include <pragmas/intuition_pragmas.h> #include <pragmas/utility_pragmas.h> // Global variables **************************************************** //struct Library *IntuitionBase = NULL; struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase = NULL; struct Library *GfxBase = NULL; struct Library *CybergraphicsBase = NULL; struct Library *DataTypesBase = NULL; struct Task *mytask; struct Window *Mywindow; struct BitMapHeader *mybmhd = NULL; struct BitMap *mybitmapdt = NULL; struct BitMap *mybitmapdtReMapped = NULL; //struct BitMap *Mywindowbitmap = NULL; Object *mydataobject; int mywindowX = 0 ; int mywindowY = 0 ; int mysignal; int quit = NULL; int myinstallertofront = TRUE; int mycenterX; int mycenterY; int myscreenX; int myscreenY; int inputpos,myborderless,installerpos,mytile; int animwait,animspeed,animframes,animtype; int calcspeed; int winbordertop = 1; int winborderleft = 1; int mywindowopen = FALSE; char *myallocmem = 0; int myopenfile = 0; int foundwindow = FALSE; int skipwaitnewfile = FALSE; int Cwindowx = 0; int Cwindowy = 0; struct Screen *myscreen = 0; struct Screen *mylockscreen = 0; STRPTR myprefs = ".prefs"; STRPTR Emptystring = "copy "; STRPTR Emptystring2 = " to "; STRPTR Emptystring3 = ".in_use"; STRPTR Emptystring4 = "delete "; STRPTR Version = "$VER: InstallerFX Version 1.10 (01.10.1997)by Øyvind Falch of Triumph 1997-1998"; STRPTR SearchString = "Install "; struct Window *otherwindow = NULL; char mywintitle = NULL; int Ssearch = TRUE; char *argallocmem; char *mypool = NULL; char *myfilename = NULL; char *myconfigfile = NULL; char *mycopystring = NULL; char *myshowfilename = NULL; char *mydeletestring = NULL; int makestringfailed = TRUE; int animation = FALSE; ULONG nomwidth, nomheight; struct NotifyRequest Filenr = {0}; BYTE timerdevice = TRUE ; struct MsgPort *TimerPort = 0; struct timerequest *TimerReq = 0; ULONG waitmask; ULONG sigs; #define IDCMP_FLAGS IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW | IDCMP_VANILLAKEY | IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE // ImageBackfill /* ** $VER: ImageBackFill.h 1.13 (19.3.95) ** ** (W) 1992-95 by Pierre Carrette & Walter Dörwald */ struct BackFillOptions { WORD MaxCopyWidth; // maximum width for the copy WORD MaxCopyHeight; // maximum height for the copy BOOL CenterX; // center the tiles horizontally? BOOL CenterY; // center the tiles vertically? WORD OffsetX; // offset to add WORD OffsetY; // offset to add BOOL OffsetTitleY; // add the screen titlebar height to the vertical offset? }; struct BackFillInfo { struct Hook Hook; struct Screen *Screen; Object *PictureObject; struct BitMapHeader *BitMapHeader; struct BitMap *BitMap; WORD CopyWidth; WORD CopyHeight; struct BackFillOptions Options; }; struct Rectangle myrec; // ImageBackfill // Program Start **************************************************************** // CopyTiledBitMap /* ** $VER: ImageBackFill.c 1.231 (19.3.95) ** ** (W) 1992-95 by Pierre Carrette & Walter Dörwald */ struct BackFillMsg { struct Layer *Layer; struct Rectangle Bounds; LONG OffsetX; LONG OffsetY; }; // this seems to be a bug (or feature) in SAS/C: -6%5 gives -1 instead of 4 #define MOD(x,y) ((x)<0 ? (y)-((-(x))%(y)) : (x)%(y)) #define RECTSIZEX(r) ((r)->MaxX-(r)->MinX+1) #define RECTSIZEY(r) ((r)->MaxY-(r)->MinY+1) /****** CopyTiledBitMap **************************************************************************** * * NAME * CopyTiledBitMap() -- fill bitmap with bitmap pattern * * SYNOPSIS * CopyTiledBitMap(Src,SrcOffsetX,SrcOffsetY,SrcSizeX,SrcSizeY,Dst,DstBounds) * void CopyTiledBitMap(struct BitMap *,WORD,WORD,WORD,WORD,struct BitMap *,struct Rectangle *) * * FUNCTION * fills the destination bitmap with repeated (tiled) copies of the source bitmap * * INPUTS * Src = source bitmap. * SrcOffsetX = offset (in x direction) to use in the blit. * SrcOffsetY = offset (in y direction) to use in the blit. * The pixel at position (SrcOffsetX,SrcOffsetY) in the source bitmap * will be the first visible one in the upper left corner of DstBounds. * SrcSizeX = width of the source bitmap Src. * SrcSizeY = height of the source bitmap Src. * Dst = destination bitmap. * DstBounds = this rectangle in the destination bitmap will be filled. * * RESULT * None. * * EXAMPLE * This function is most useful in backfill hooks. * * NOTES * The following relations must hold: * 0 <= SrcOffsetX < SrcSizeX * 0 <= SrcOffsetY < SrcSizeY * I.e. if calculating the offset involves some kind of modulo-operations * they have to be done before calling this function * */ void CopyTiledBitMap(struct BitMap *Src,WORD SrcOffsetX,WORD SrcOffsetY,WORD SrcSizeX,WORD SrcSizeY,struct BitMap *Dst,struct Rectangle *DstBounds) { WORD FirstSizeX; // the width of the rectangle to blit as the first column WORD FirstSizeY; // the height of the rectangle to blit as the first row WORD SecondMinX; // the left edge of the second column WORD SecondMinY; // the top edge of the second column WORD SecondSizeX; // the width of the second column WORD SecondSizeY; // the height of the second column WORD Pos; // used as starting position in the "exponential" blit WORD Size; // used as bitmap size in the "exponential" blit FirstSizeX = MIN(SrcSizeX-SrcOffsetX,RECTSIZEX(DstBounds)); // the width of the first tile, this is either the rest of the tile right to SrcOffsetX or the width of the dest rect, if the rect is narrow SecondMinX = DstBounds->MinX+FirstSizeX; // the start for the second tile (if used) SecondSizeX = MIN(SrcOffsetX,DstBounds->MaxX-SecondMinX+1); // the width of the second tile (we want the whole tile to be SrcSizeX pixels wide, if we use SrcSizeX-SrcOffsetX pixels for the left part we'll use SrcOffsetX for the right part) FirstSizeY = MIN(SrcSizeY-SrcOffsetY,RECTSIZEY(DstBounds)); // the same values are calculated for y direction SecondMinY = DstBounds->MinY+FirstSizeY; SecondSizeY = MIN(SrcOffsetY,DstBounds->MaxY-SecondMinY+1); BltBitMap(Src,SrcOffsetX,SrcOffsetY,Dst,DstBounds->MinX,DstBounds->MinY,FirstSizeX,FirstSizeY,0xC0,-1,NULL); // blit the first piece of the tile if (SecondSizeX>0) // if SrcOffset was 0 or the dest rect was to narrow, we won't need a second column BltBitMap(Src,0,SrcOffsetY,Dst,SecondMinX,DstBounds->MinY,SecondSizeX,FirstSizeY,0xC0,-1,NULL); if (SecondSizeY>0) // is a second row necessary? { BltBitMap(Src,SrcOffsetX,0,Dst,DstBounds->MinX,SecondMinY,FirstSizeX,SecondSizeY,0xC0,-1,NULL); if (SecondSizeX>0) BltBitMap(Src,0,0,Dst,SecondMinX,SecondMinY,SecondSizeX,SecondSizeY,0xC0,-1,NULL); } // this loop generates the first row of the tiles for (Pos = DstBounds->MinX+SrcSizeX,Size = MIN(SrcSizeX,DstBounds->MaxX-Pos+1);Pos<=DstBounds->MaxX;) { BltBitMap(Dst,DstBounds->MinX,DstBounds->MinY,Dst,Pos,DstBounds->MinY,Size,MIN(SrcSizeY,RECTSIZEY(DstBounds)),0xC0,-1,NULL); Pos += Size; Size = MIN(Size<<1,DstBounds->MaxX-Pos+1); } // this loop blit the first row down several times to fill the whole dest rect for (Pos = DstBounds->MinY+SrcSizeY,Size = MIN(SrcSizeY,DstBounds->MaxY-Pos+1);Pos<=DstBounds->MaxY;) { BltBitMap(Dst,DstBounds->MinX,DstBounds->MinY,Dst,DstBounds->MinX,Pos,RECTSIZEX(DstBounds),Size,0xC0,-1,NULL); Pos += Size; Size = MIN(Size<<1,DstBounds->MaxY-Pos+1); } } // This function must be compiled without stack checking void WindowPatternBackFillFunc(register __a0 struct Hook *Hook,register __a2 struct RastPort *RP,register __a1 struct BackFillMsg *BFM) { WORD OffsetX; // the offset within the tile in x direction WORD OffsetY; // the offset within the tile in y direction struct BackFillInfo *BFI = (struct BackFillInfo *)Hook; // get the data for our backfillhook (but __saveds is nonetheless required because this function needs GfxBase) struct RastPort cRP; cRP = *RP; // copy the rastport cRP.Layer = NULL; // eliminate bogus clipping from our copy OffsetX = BFM->Bounds.MinX-BFI->Options.OffsetX; // The first tile normally isn't totally visible => calculate the offset (offset 0 would mean that the left edge of the damage rectangle coincides with the left edge of a tile) if (BFI->Options.CenterX) // horizontal centering? OffsetX -= (BFI->Screen->Width-BFI->BitMapHeader->bmh_Width)/2; OffsetY = BFM->Bounds.MinY-BFI->Options.OffsetY; // The same values are calculated for y direction if (BFI->Options.OffsetTitleY) // shift the tiles down? OffsetY -= BFI->Screen->BarHeight+1; if (BFI->Options.CenterY) // horizontal centering? OffsetY -= (BFI->Screen->Height-BFI->BitMapHeader->bmh_Height)/2; CopyTiledBitMap(BFI->BitMap,MOD(OffsetX,BFI->BitMapHeader->bmh_Width),MOD(OffsetY,BFI->BitMapHeader->bmh_Height),BFI->CopyWidth,BFI->CopyHeight,cRP.BitMap,&BFM->Bounds); } // this function calculates the sizes to be used for the copy of the bitmap static void CalculateCopySizes(struct BackFillInfo *BFI) { BFI->CopyWidth = (BFI->BitMapHeader->bmh_Width>BFI->Options.MaxCopyWidth) ? BFI->BitMapHeader->bmh_Width : BFI->Options.MaxCopyWidth-BFI->Options.MaxCopyWidth%BFI->BitMapHeader->bmh_Width; BFI->CopyHeight = (BFI->BitMapHeader->bmh_Height>BFI->Options.MaxCopyHeight) ? BFI->BitMapHeader->bmh_Height : BFI->Options.MaxCopyHeight-BFI->Options.MaxCopyHeight%BFI->BitMapHeader->bmh_Height; } // CopyTiledBitMap // Get args **************************************************************** int MakeStrings () // Make Copy String { int mycounter = 0; int mycounter2 = 0; STRPTR myargs ; myargs = GetArgStr (); if (myargs[0] != '\n') { myfilename = AllocPooled (mypool,512); myconfigfile = AllocPooled (mypool,512); mycopystring = AllocPooled (mypool,512); myshowfilename = AllocPooled (mypool,512); mydeletestring = AllocPooled (mypool,512); if (myfilename != NULL || myconfigfile != NULL ||mycopystring != NULL ||myshowfilename != NULL ||mydeletestring != NULL){ // Filename while ((myargs[mycounter]) != '\n'){ myfilename[mycounter] = myargs[mycounter]; myconfigfile[mycounter] = myargs[mycounter]; mycounter = mycounter +1; } while ((myprefs[mycounter2]) != 0){ myconfigfile[mycounter] = myprefs[mycounter2]; mycounter = mycounter +1; mycounter2 = mycounter2 +1; } // Copystring mycounter = 0; mycounter2 = 0; // copy >nil: <nil: while ((Emptystring[mycounter]) != 0){ mycopystring[mycounter] = Emptystring[mycounter]; mycounter = mycounter +1; } // filename while ((myfilename[mycounter2]) != 0){ mycopystring[mycounter] = myfilename[mycounter2]; mycounter = mycounter +1; mycounter2 = mycounter2 +1; } // " to " mycounter2 = 0; while ((Emptystring2[mycounter2]) != 0){ mycopystring[mycounter] = Emptystring2[mycounter2]; mycounter = mycounter +1; mycounter2 = mycounter2 +1; } // filename mycounter2 = 0; while ((myfilename[mycounter2]) != 0){ mycopystring[mycounter] = myfilename[mycounter2]; mycounter = mycounter +1; mycounter2 = mycounter2 +1; } // ".in_use mycounter2 = 0; while ((Emptystring3[mycounter2]) != 0){ mycopystring[mycounter] = Emptystring3[mycounter2]; mycounter = mycounter +1; mycounter2 = mycounter2 +1; } mycounter = 0; mycounter2 = 0; // filename while ((myfilename[mycounter]) != 0){ myshowfilename[mycounter] = myfilename[mycounter]; mycounter = mycounter +1; } // ".in_use while ((Emptystring3[mycounter2]) != 0){ myshowfilename[mycounter] = Emptystring3[mycounter2]; mycounter = mycounter +1; mycounter2 = mycounter2 +1; } // Delete String mycounter = 0; mycounter2 = 0; // "delete >nil: <nil: " while ((Emptystring4[mycounter]) != 0){ mydeletestring[mycounter] = Emptystring4[mycounter]; mycounter = mycounter +1; } // filename while ((myfilename[mycounter2]) != 0){ mydeletestring[mycounter] = myfilename[mycounter2]; mycounter = mycounter +1; mycounter2 = mycounter2 +1; } // ".in_use mycounter2 = 0; while ((Emptystring3[mycounter2]) != 0){ mydeletestring[mycounter] = Emptystring3[mycounter2]; mycounter = mycounter +1; mycounter2 = mycounter2 +1; } makestringfailed = FALSE; } } return 0; } // checknext window **************************************************************** int checkNextwindow () // Find Installer window before move { UBYTE pattern[] = "*installer*"; UBYTE pat[(sizeof(pattern)*2)+2]; ParsePatternNoCase(pattern, pat, (sizeof(pattern)*2)+2); if(MatchPatternNoCase(pat, ((struct Task *) otherwindow->UserPort->mp_SigTask)->tc_Node.ln_Name)) Ssearch = TRUE; else Ssearch = FALSE; return 0; } // Move Installer Window **************************************************************** int calculate_windows () // Calculate Installer Window on screen { int install_WX = 0; int install_WY = 0; int installc_X = 0; int installc_Y = 0; install_WX = otherwindow->Width; install_WY = otherwindow->Height; installc_X = otherwindow->LeftEdge; installc_Y = otherwindow->TopEdge; // Top if (installerpos == 1){ installc_X = ((myscreenX/4) - (install_WX /2)) - installc_X; installc_Y = ((myscreenY/4) - (install_WY /2)) - installc_Y; } else if (installerpos == 2){ installc_X = ((myscreenX/2) - (install_WX /2)) - installc_X; installc_Y = ((myscreenY/4) - (install_WY /2)) - installc_Y; } else if (installerpos == 3){ installc_X = (((myscreenX/4)*3) - (install_WX /2)) - installc_X; installc_Y = ((myscreenY/4) - (install_WY /2)) - installc_Y; } // Middle else if (installerpos == 4){ installc_X = ((myscreenX/4) - (install_WX /2)) - installc_X; installc_Y = ((myscreenY/2) - (install_WY /2)) - installc_Y; } else if (installerpos == 5){ installc_X = ((myscreenX/2) - (install_WX /2)) - installc_X; installc_Y = ((myscreenY/2) - (install_WY /2)) - installc_Y; } else if (installerpos == 6){ installc_X = (((myscreenX/4)*3) - (install_WX /2)) - installc_X; installc_Y = ((myscreenY/2) - (install_WY /2)) - installc_Y; } // Bottom else if (installerpos == 7){ installc_X = ((myscreenX/4) - (install_WX /2)) - installc_X; installc_Y = (((myscreenY/4)*3) - (install_WY /2)) - installc_Y; } else if (installerpos == 8){ installc_X = ((myscreenX/2) - (install_WX /2)) - installc_X; installc_Y = (((myscreenY/4)*3) - (install_WY /2)) - installc_Y; } else if (installerpos == 9){ installc_X = (((myscreenX/4)*3) - (install_WX /2)) - installc_X; installc_Y = (((myscreenY/4)*3) - (install_WY /2)) - installc_Y; } else if (installerpos == 0) { installc_X = 0; installc_Y = 0; } MoveWindow( otherwindow, installc_X, installc_Y ); WindowToFront (otherwindow); return 0; } // Move Installer Window **************************************************************** int moveInstaller () // Move installer window { struct Screen *lockmove; lockmove = LockPubScreen ("Workbench"); myscreenX = lockmove ->Width; myscreenY = lockmove ->Height; for (otherwindow = lockmove->FirstWindow; otherwindow; otherwindow = otherwindow->NextWindow) { if (otherwindow->Title) { checkNextwindow (); if (Ssearch !=FALSE){ calculate_windows (); break; } } } UnlockPubScreen (NULL, lockmove); return 0; } // NOTIFY *************************************************** int notify(char*waitfile) { struct NotifyRequest nr = {0}; nr.nr_Flags = NRF_SEND_SIGNAL; nr.nr_stuff.nr_Signal.nr_Task = mytask; nr.nr_stuff.nr_Signal.nr_SignalNum = mysignal; nr.nr_Name = waitfile; StartNotify ( &nr ); Wait (1 <<mysignal); EndNotify ( &nr); return 0; } // NOTIFY Anim *************************************************** int notifyAnim(char*waitfile) { Filenr.nr_Flags = NRF_SEND_SIGNAL; Filenr.nr_stuff.nr_Signal.nr_Task = mytask; Filenr.nr_stuff.nr_Signal.nr_SignalNum = mysignal; Filenr.nr_Name = waitfile; StartNotify ( &Filenr ); return 0; } // Wait Function **************************************************************** int CreateTimerWait(void) { timerdevice = TRUE ; TimerPort = 0; TimerReq = 0; waitmask =0 ; sigs =0 ; // Opprette en svarport for timerequest TimerPort = CreateMsgPort(); if( TimerPort != 0) { // Opprette en timerequest som kan sendes til devicen TimerReq = (struct timerequest *) CreateIORequest( TimerPort, sizeof (struct timerequest) ); if( TimerReq != 0) { timerdevice = OpenDevice( "timer.device", // Åpne et eller annet device UNIT_VBLANK, (struct IORequest *) TimerReq, 0 ); if( timerdevice == 0) { TimerReq->tr_node.io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Type = 0; } } } return 0; } // Wait Function **************************************************************** WaitTimer(void) { // timer.device er nå åpen. // printf( "sender request for 10 sekunders venting til timer.device...\n" ); waitmask = 0 ; sigs = 0 ; waitmask = (1 << TimerPort->mp_SigBit) | SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C | 1 <<mysignal ; TimerReq->tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST; TimerReq->tr_time.tv_secs = animwait; TimerReq->tr_time.tv_micro = calcspeed; SendIO( (struct IORequest *) TimerReq ); // printf( "request er sendt. Tikk tikk tikk...\n" ); // Setter opp hvilke bits vi vil vente på. // Alle prosesser kan også vente på SIGBREAKF_CTRL_? signalene, som tilsvarer // CTRL_C etc. // Her kan du legge inn masks for andre ting du vil vente p=å. // printf( "Bruker Wait() for å vente på både ctrl-c og svar på requesten\n" ); sigs = Wait( waitmask ); // Husk at vi kan få både ctrl-c + vent ferdig som svar hvis ctrl-c blir // trykket akkurat i det timeren er ferdig. // printf( "Signalmaske mottatt: %x\n", sigs ); return 0; } // Wait Function **************************************************************** CleanupTimerWait(void) { // Rydde opp... if (timerdevice == 0) CloseDevice( (struct IORequest *)TimerReq ); if (!TimerReq != 0) DeleteIORequest( (struct IORequest *)TimerReq ); if (!TimerPort != 0) DeleteMsgPort( TimerPort ); // printf( "ferdig!\n" ); return 0; } // Load file Simple **************************************************************** int readprefsfile () { FILE *fp; int ant_poster; inputpos = 0; myborderless = 0; installerpos = 0; mytile = 0;; animspeed = 0; animframes = 0; animtype = 0; animation = FALSE; fp= fopen(myconfigfile, "r"); if (fp != NULL){ ant_poster = fscanf(fp,"%1d%1d%1d%1d%02d%03d%03d%0d3\n",&inputpos,&myborderless,&mytile,&installerpos,&animwait,&animspeed,&animframes,&animtype); fclose (fp); // printf ("Can't load prefsfile, using default values.\n"); } if (inputpos >9 || inputpos < 1) inputpos = 1; if (myborderless >1 || myborderless <0) myborderless = 0; if (installerpos >9 || installerpos <0) installerpos = 9; if (mytile >1 || mytile <0) mytile = 0; if (animwait >999 || animwait <0) animwait = 0; if (animspeed >99 || animspeed <0) animspeed = 0; if (animframes >999 || animframes <0) animframes = 0; if (animtype >999 || animtype <0) animtype = 0; if (animframes >0 && animframes >0) animation = TRUE; // Extra check for Second and Frames. if (animwait >0) animspeed = 0; if (animwait == 0 && animspeed == 0) animwait = 5; return 0; } // Copy File *************************************************** int mycopyfile() { Execute (mycopystring,NULL,NULL); return 0; } // Delete File *************************************************** int mydeletefile() { Execute (mydeletestring,NULL,NULL); return 0; } // Wait for datatype Calculations ***************************** wait_for_datatype () { BOOL going = TRUE; LONG sigr; struct IntuiMessage *imsg; struct TagItem *tstate, *tag; struct TagItem *tags; ULONG tidata; ULONG errnum; // ULONG options[NUM_OPTS]; /* Keep going until were told to stop */ while (going) { /* Wait for an event */ sigr = Wait ((1L << Mywindow->UserPort->mp_SigBit) | SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C); /* Did we get a break signal */ if (sigr & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) going = FALSE; /* Pull Intuition messages */ while (imsg = (struct IntuiMessage *) GetMsg (Mywindow->UserPort)) { /* Handle each message */ switch (imsg->Class) { case IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW: going = FALSE; break; case IDCMP_VANILLAKEY: switch (imsg->Code) { case 'Q': case 'q': case 27: going = FALSE; break; } break; case IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE: tstate = tags = (struct TagItem *) imsg->IAddress; while (tag = NextTagItem (&tstate)) { tidata = tag->ti_Data; switch (tag->ti_Tag) { /* Change in busy state */ case DTA_Busy: if (tidata) SetWindowPointer (Mywindow, WA_BusyPointer, TRUE, TAG_DONE); else SetWindowPointer (Mywindow, WA_Pointer, NULL, TAG_DONE); break; /* Error message */ case DTA_ErrorLevel: if (tidata) { errnum = GetTagData (DTA_ErrorNumber, NULL, tags); // PrintErrorMsg (errnum, (STRPTR) options[OPT_NAME]); } break; /* Time to refresh */ case DTA_Sync: /* Refresh the DataType object */ // RefreshDTObjectA (mydataobject, Mywindow, NULL, NULL); going = FALSE; break; } } break; } /* Done with the message, so reply to it */ ReplyMsg ((struct Message *) imsg); } } return 0; } // Get Screen Information and move installer window ************** int get_screen_information () { struct Screen *getscreenlock; getscreenlock = LockPubScreen ("Workbench"); if (getscreenlock != 0){ myscreen = getscreenlock; myscreenX = getscreenlock ->Width; myscreenY = getscreenlock ->Height; if (myborderless == FALSE){ winbordertop = getscreenlock->WBorTop; winborderleft = getscreenlock->WBorLeft; } UnlockPubScreen (NULL, getscreenlock); } else quit = 1; return 0; } // Calculate Window ******************************************** int calculate_window () { GetDTAttrs (mydataobject, PDTA_BitMapHeader,&mybmhd,PDTA_BitMap,&mybitmapdt, TAG_END); mywindowX = mybmhd ->bmh_Width; mywindowY = mybmhd ->bmh_Height; nomwidth = mywindowX; nomheight = mywindowY; // Fix place for anim if (animation == TRUE) { mywindowX = mywindowX/animframes; } // Top if (inputpos == 1){ mycenterX = ((myscreenX/4) - (mywindowX /2)); mycenterY = ((myscreenY/4) - (mywindowY /2)); } else if (inputpos == 2){ mycenterX = ((myscreenX/2) - (mywindowX /2)); mycenterY = ((myscreenY/4) - (mywindowY /2)); } else if (inputpos == 3){ mycenterX = (((myscreenX/4)*3) - (mywindowX /2)); mycenterY = ((myscreenY/4) - (mywindowY /2)); } // Middle else if (inputpos == 4){ mycenterX = ((myscreenX/4) - (mywindowX /2)); mycenterY = ((myscreenY/2) - (mywindowY /2)); } else if (inputpos == 5){ mycenterX = ((myscreenX/2) - (mywindowX /2)); mycenterY = ((myscreenY/2) - (mywindowY /2)); } else if (inputpos == 6){ mycenterX = (((myscreenX/4)*3) - (mywindowX /2)); mycenterY = ((myscreenY/2) - (mywindowY /2)); } // Bottom else if (inputpos == 7){ mycenterX = ((myscreenX/4) - (mywindowX /2)); mycenterY = (((myscreenY/4)*3) - (mywindowY /2)); } else if (inputpos == 8){ mycenterX = ((myscreenX/2) - (mywindowX /2)); mycenterY = (((myscreenY/4)*3) - (mywindowY /2)); } else if (inputpos == 9){ mycenterX = (((myscreenX/4)*3) - (mywindowX /2)); mycenterY = (((myscreenY/4)*3) - (mywindowY /2)); } return 0; } // Process Picture ********************************************** int process_picture () { struct RastPort *MyRastPort; struct Screen *MyScreen; struct ViewPort *MyViewPort; struct ColorMap *MyColorMap; int place_Top; int place_Left; quit = 1; get_screen_information (); place_Top = winbordertop; place_Left = winborderleft; if (myborderless ==1) { place_Top = 0; place_Left = 0; } mydataobject = NewDTObject(myshowfilename, DTA_SourceType,DTST_FILE, PDTA_DestMode,MODE_V43, DTA_GroupID,GID_PICTURE, OBP_Precision,PRECISION_EXACT, PDTA_FreeSourceBitMap,TRUE, PDTA_Remap,TRUE, GA_Top,place_Top, GA_Left,place_Left, TAG_END ) ; if (mydataobject != NULL ) { calculate_window (); if (mytile ==1 ){ Mywindow = OpenWindowTags(NULL, WA_Left,0, WA_Top, 0, WA_InnerWidth,myscreenX, WA_InnerHeight,myscreenY, WA_Borderless,TRUE, WA_SmartRefresh,TRUE, WA_IDCMP, IDCMP_FLAGS, TAG_END ) ; } else if (mytile !=1 ){ Mywindow = OpenWindowTags(NULL, WA_Left,mycenterX, WA_Top, mycenterY, WA_InnerWidth,mywindowX, WA_InnerHeight,mywindowY, WA_Borderless,myborderless, WA_SmartRefresh,TRUE, WA_IDCMP,IDCMP_FLAGS, TAG_END ) ; } if (Mywindow != NULL ){ mywindowopen = TRUE; MyRastPort = Mywindow->RPort; MyScreen = Mywindow->WScreen; MyViewPort = &MyScreen->ViewPort; MyColorMap = MyViewPort->ColorMap; SetDTAttrs (mydataobject, NULL, NULL, GA_Width, nomwidth, GA_Height, nomheight, ICA_TARGET, ICTARGET_IDCMP, TAG_DONE); AddDTObject (Mywindow, NULL, mydataobject, -1); wait_for_datatype (); // Refresh the DataType object since wait for datatype skips this. RefreshDTObjectA (mydataobject, Mywindow, NULL, NULL); if (mytile == 1) { myrec.MinX = 0; myrec.MinY = 0; myrec.MaxX = myscreenX-1; myrec.MaxY = myscreenY-1; GetDTAttrs (mydataobject,PDTA_DestBitMap,&mybitmapdtReMapped,TAG_END); if (mybitmapdtReMapped != 0){ CopyTiledBitMap (mybitmapdtReMapped,0,0,mywindowX,mywindowY,MyRastPort->BitMap, &myrec); } WindowToBack (Mywindow); //Move the background window to back } // Move the installerwindow after the new window is opened. moveInstaller (); //Move installer Window quit = 0; } } return 0; } // Process Animation ********************************************** int process_anim () { struct RastPort *MyRastPort; struct Screen *MyScreen; struct ViewPort *MyViewPort; struct ColorMap *MyColorMap; int place_Top; int place_Left; int mydestX = 0; int i = 0; int n = 0; quit = 1; get_screen_information (); place_Top = winbordertop; place_Left = winborderleft; if (myborderless ==1) { place_Top = 0; place_Left = 0; } mydataobject = NewDTObject(myshowfilename, DTA_SourceType,DTST_FILE, PDTA_DestMode,MODE_V43, DTA_GroupID,GID_PICTURE, PDTA_Screen,myscreen, PDTA_FreeSourceBitMap,TRUE, OBP_Precision,PRECISION_EXACT, PDTA_Remap,TRUE, GA_Top,place_Top, GA_Left,place_Left, TAG_END ) ; if (mydataobject != NULL ) { calculate_window (); Mywindow = OpenWindowTags(NULL, WA_Left,mycenterX, WA_Top, mycenterY, WA_InnerWidth,mywindowX, WA_InnerHeight,mywindowY, WA_Borderless,myborderless, WA_SmartRefresh,TRUE, WA_IDCMP,IDCMP_FLAGS, TAG_END ) ; if (Mywindow != NULL ){ mywindowopen = TRUE; MyRastPort = Mywindow->RPort; MyScreen = Mywindow->WScreen; MyViewPort = &MyScreen->ViewPort; MyColorMap = MyViewPort->ColorMap; // Have to move the installer before the animation but after // openwindow moveInstaller (); //Move installer Window myrec.MinX = 0; myrec.MinY = 0; myrec.MaxX = mywindowX;; myrec.MaxY = mywindowY; if (DoMethod(mydataobject, DTM_PROCLAYOUT, NULL, 1)) { GetDTAttrs (mydataobject, PDTA_DestBitMap,&mybitmapdtReMapped, TAG_END); // Getting remapped bitmap if (mybitmapdtReMapped != 0){ // Alloc Timerdevice CreateTimerWait(); if (timerdevice == 0) { // Filenotify Start. notifyAnim (myfilename); skipwaitnewfile = FALSE; if (animspeed == 0) calcspeed = 0; else calcspeed = 1000000/animspeed; for (n=0;n<=animtype;n++){ for (i=0;i<=animframes-1;i++){ BltBitMapRastPort (mybitmapdtReMapped,mydestX,0,MyRastPort,place_Left,place_Top,mywindowX,mywindowY,0x0C0); // Timerwait, Waiting for Filenotify + time +ctrl c WaitTimer(); if( sigs & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C ) { // printf( "Ctrl-C ble trykket!\n" ); i = 1000; n = 1000; } // if( sigs & (1<<TimerPort->mp_SigBit) ) { // printf( "Timer wait ok!\n" ); // } if( sigs & 1 <<mysignal ) { // printf( "Filenotify !\n" ); // Aborting loop ! i = 1000; n = 1000; skipwaitnewfile = TRUE; } // Gjør ikke noe om man tar AbortIO() på en request som er ferdig eller ubrukt! AbortIO( (struct IORequest *) TimerReq ); mydestX = mydestX + mywindowX; } mydestX = 0; } // Endfilenotify ! EndNotify ( &Filenr); } // Cleanup Timerdevice CleanupTimerWait(); quit = 0; if (timerdevice != 0) { skipwaitnewfile = TRUE; quit = 1; } } } } } return 0; } // My Wait ******************************************** // The program will go throu this loop 2 times when changing picture. int wait_for_picture () { // Close window and remove dt object if window is open. if (mywindowopen == TRUE) { if (skipwaitnewfile != TRUE) notify (myfilename); CloseWindow (Mywindow); RemoveDTObject (Mywindow, mydataobject); DisposeDTObject (mydataobject); mywindowopen = FALSE; mydeletefile (); } // A new file have been copied or deleted else { mycopyfile (); //Copy picture readprefsfile (); //Read config file if (animation == FALSE) { process_picture (); //Process } // If prefsfile is an anim type then goto anim else { process_anim (); } } return 0; } // Main ******************************************************** void main (int argc, char **argv) { mytask = FindTask (NULL); mysignal = AllocSignal (-1); if (mysignal != -1) { IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase*) OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 39); if (IntuitionBase != NULL) { DataTypesBase = OpenLibrary("datatypes.library", 39); if (DataTypesBase != NULL ) { GfxBase = OpenLibrary("graphics.library",39); if (GfxBase != NULL ) { mypool = CreatePool(MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR,512,512); if (mypool != NULL) { MakeStrings (); if (makestringfailed == FALSE ) { get_screen_information (); while (quit == NULL) // Main wait loop wait_for_picture (); } DeletePool(mypool); } } CloseLibrary(GfxBase); } CloseLibrary(DataTypesBase); } CloseLibrary ((struct Library*) (IntuitionBase)); } FreeSignal (mysignal); }